Showing 1 - 22 of 22 Results
Letters Between the Duke of Grafton, the Earls of Halifax, Egremont, Chatham, Temple, and Ta... by Grafton, Duke Of Augustus H... ISBN: 9781290214261 List Price: $28.95
Political Contest : Containing A Series of Letters Between Junius and Sir William Draper by Junius, Sir William Draper,... ISBN: 9781278450100 List Price: $17.75
Measures as Well as men, or, The Present and Future Interests of Great Britain: With a Plan ... by Man, Honest, Grafton, Augus... ISBN: 9781342215697 List Price: $25.95
Letters Between the Duke of Grafton, the Earls of Halifax, Egremont, Chatham, Temple, and Ta... by Grafton, Augustus Henry Fit... ISBN: 9781373702623 List Price: $26.95
Letters Between the Duke of Grafton, the Earls of Halifax, Egremont, Chatham, Temple, and Ta... by Grafton, Augustus Henry Fit... ISBN: 9781373702609 List Price: $16.95
A Letter to the Duke of Grafton, With Notes: To Which is Annexed a Complete Exculpation of M... by Miles, William Augustus, Gr... ISBN: 9781341881985 List Price: $22.95
A Letter to His Grace the Duke of Grafton, on the Present Situation of Public Affairs by Wilkes, John, Grafton, Augu... ISBN: 9781341882173 List Price: $19.95
The Author of the Letter to the Duke of Grafton Vindicated From the Charge of Democracy: Wit... by Miles, William Augustus, Mi... ISBN: 9781341877674 List Price: $21.95
Autobiography and Political Correspondence : From Hitherto Unpublished Documents in the Poss... by Anson, William Reynell, Gra... ISBN: 9781340117825 List Price: $29.95
Letters Between the Duke of Grafton, the Earls of Halifax, Egremont, Chatham, Temple, and Ta... by Grafton, Augustus Henry Fit... ISBN: 9781347356890 List Price: $26.95
Political Contest : Containing a Series of Letters Between Junius and Sir William Draper: Al... by Junius, Sir William Draper,... ISBN: 9781347885871 List Price: $21.95
Hints : Submitted to the Serious Attention of the Clergy, Nobility and Aentry by Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duk... ISBN: 9780526518463 List Price: $9.95
Autobiography and Political Correspondence : From Hitherto Unpublished Documents in the Poss... by Grafton, Augustus Henry Fit... ISBN: 9781019274675 List Price: $33.95
Autobiography and Political Correspondence : From Hitherto Unpublished Documents in the Poss... by Grafton, Augustus Henry Fit... ISBN: 9781019279748 List Price: $22.95
Measures As Well As Men, or, the Present and Future Interests of Great Britain : With a Plan... by Honest Man, Grafton, August... ISBN: 9781015361485 List Price: $18.95
Measures As Well As Men, or, the Present and Future Interests of Great Britain : With a Plan... by Man, Honest, Grafton, Augus... ISBN: 9781379093084 List Price: $15.95
Letter to His Grace the Duke of Grafton, on the Present Situation of Public Affairs by Grafton, Augustus Henry Fit... ISBN: 9781379059929 List Price: $9.95
Letter to the Duke of Grafton, with Notes : To Which Is Annexed a Complete Exculpation of M.... by Grafton, Augustus Henry Fit... ISBN: 9781379059653 List Price: $12.95
Author of the Letter to the Duke of Grafton Vindicated from the Charge of Democracy : With N... by Miles, William Augustus 175... ISBN: 9781378711132 List Price: $10.95
Autobiography and Political Correspondence: From Hitherto Unpublished Documents in the Posse... by Grafton, Augustus Henry Fit... ISBN: 9781376707311 List Price: $19.95
Hints: Submitted to the Serious Attention of the Clergy, Nobility and Aentry by Duke of Grafton Augustus He... ISBN: 9780526518470 List Price: $19.95